DoL’s Independent Contracting Proposal Endangers Both Freedom and Prosperity

The proposed Labor Department regulation doesn’t grant permission, it imposes a requirement. It would force employee status on many workers who actively wish to remain independent contractors.

D.C. Zoning Officials Prepare a ‘Racial Equity Tool’ To Guide Zoning Decisions

The vague and open-ended nature of those questions has some housing activists concerned that the tool will prove overly burdensome, and even unworkable, for property owners trying to do something simple like changing their lot’s zoning from residential to commercial use.

Court Strikes Down “Quarantine Camp” Regulation in New York State

It was clear to me that this “regulation” violated the separation of powers that is so clearly laid out in our Constitution. It violated existing New York State laws that have been on the books for decades. It violated due process protections.

Denver Police Hurt 6 Bystanders in a Shooting. So the City Cracked Down on Food Trucks.

“Food trucks make neighborhoods safer, so the last thing you should ever want to do from a public-safety standpoint is ban food trucks.”