- 2022
- 2023
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July & Regular Convention
- August
- October
- November
- December
Date: Dec 19
Time: 6pm
Location: Brixx Ice Co, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH
Call to Order at 6:15
Roll Call
Josh Umbaugh, Chair, Present
Joe Hendrix, Treasurer, Absent
Michael Lopez, Secretary, Present
Ben Schultheis, At Large, Absent
Cecelia Umbaugh, At Large, Present
Party Members in Attendance: Erin Umbaugh
Guest in Attendance: LPO Field Director James Mills
The agenda was approved without amendment by a unanimous voice vote.
Officer Reports
Chairperson’s Report
The Chair outlined the organization’s primary goals for the upcoming year, focusing on the importance of hosting public events at least quarterly. These events may include park cleanups or activism initiatives designed to engage the community and raise awareness about the Party’s mission. Additionally, the Chair emphasized the importance of coalition-building efforts, specifically highlighting partnerships with organizations such as Defend the Guard and the Ohio Coalition to End Qualified Immunity.
Treasurer is absent.
Secretary’s Report
Previous meeting minutes are approved 2-1 by voice vote.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee
There has been nothing from the state party on the CRM.
Activities Committee – Not Active
Old Business
No old business was presented.
New Business
No new business was presented.
Dayton Pride is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2025. Sponsorship signups will be available in January.
Open Floor
Presentation from LPO Field Director James Mills
General discussion, member input
Cecelia Umbaugh resigns her At-Large seat. A special election to fill the vacancy will be scheduled for the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn passed without objection at 8:01.
Next Business Meeting: Jan 16 at Brix Ice Co
Next Social Meeting: Jan 5 at Bennet’s Publical
November 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: Nov 21
Time: 6pm
Location: Brixx Ice Co, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH
Call to Order at 6:14
Roll Call
Josh Umbaugh, Chair, Present
Joe Hendrix, Treasurer, Present
Michael Lopez, Secretary, Present
Ben Schultheis, At Large, Absent
Cecelia Umbaugh, At Large, Present
Party Members in Attendance: Erin Umbaugh
Michael Lopez moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Cecelia Umbaugh. The agenda was passed unanimously by voice vote without debate.
Officer Reports
The chair had nothing specific to report and opted to speak further during the open floor.
The treasurer reports that our balance is $279.86 in checking, $244.20 in savings, $134 in cash, and about $24 in recent donations still being processed that have not yet been deposited.
Michael Lopez moved, Joe Hendrix seconded, and the Secretary’s previous meeting minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote without debate.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee
Getting the word out about our signs failed. Without email, we relied on word of mouth (1 sign) and social media (2 signs.) Another ten or so signs were placed at precincts on Election Day. Five were donated to Sally Bacon in Oklahoma. Multiple signs are left over.
LPO IT never followed up on a request to send a countywide email for us. There is still no word on the CRM.
Activities Committee – Not Active
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
LPO Field Director James Mills has drafted business plans, including one for Montgomery County. He’s interested in talking to us about this. PDF link . Michael Lopez will try to arrange a presentation for a future meeting.
Nourish Our Neighbors, the community org fighting the city of Dayton over the anti-homeless ordinance, is now represented by Pacific Legal. Members plan to join them on Sunday for their scheduled meal service downtown.
Open Floor
Josh Umbaugh has election results. He points out that many of the Assembly candidates did not bother to respond to media requests or even put up campaign websites. He recommends that the Party try to meet with our representatives to discuss advancing single-issue coalitions on items such as qualified immunity and Defend the Guard.
The meeting adjourned at 7:08.
Next Business Meeting: Dec 19, Brixx
Next Social Meeting: Dec 1, Bennett’s
October 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: Oct 16, 2024
Time: 6 pm
Location: Brixx Ice Co, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH
Called to Order at 6:15.
Roll Call:
Josh Umbaugh, Chair, Present
Joe Hendrix, Treasurer, Present
Michael Lopez, Secretary, Present
Ben Schultheis, At Large, Present
Cecelia Umbaugh, At Large, Absent
Party Members in Attendance: Bruce Earnhart, Erin Umbaugh
Michael Lopez moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Joe Hendrix. The agenda was approved unanimously by voice vote without debate.
Officer Reports
The Chair has nothing new to report.
The Treasurer notes that our balance is now $479.24 after the check to Hamilton County passed.
The Secretary reports that there are no meeting minutes for September. While there was a quorum to conduct business, the members present opted to avoid calling the meeting to order in the Chair’s absence because there was no pressing business. Michael Lopez moved, Ben Schultheis seconded, and a unanimous voice vote approved the Aug 15, 2024, meeting minutes after a note by Joe Hendrix that the Treasurer’s report listed in those minutes is an estimate and not a precise figure.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee
CRM Updates – Action is not expected until after the election.
Online Store – No response is expected until after the election.
Activities Committee – Not Active
Old Business
Chase Signs – 31 available and ready for distribution. Many of our contacts are so out of date that, even after correcting addresses using current voter data, over 2/3 of the phone numbers have been disconnected or are now used by someone else. From our initial list of 50 potential past Libertarian Party voters with suitable high-traffic locations, we were able to contact 10 people. 2 turned us down, and we left eight voicemails. The Communications Committee will now offer the signs on social media. The members are encouraged to reach out to personal contacts to distribute signs on a first-come, first-served basis. Leftover signs will be deployed at voting precincts.
New Business
Motion to lay on the table voter recommendation for county-wide ballot issues 34 and 35 (property tax levies for the Dayton Public Library and Dayton MetroParks, respectively) by Michael Lopez, seconded by Ben Schultheis, passed by unanimous voice vote without debate, due to the Communications Committee not having language prepared for approval in time for this meeting. The communications committee will draft language recommending a vote against additional taxes to be approved by the executive committee in an online vote.
Warren County invites everyone to their election watch party, which will be held on Tuesday, November 5, at 7 p.m., at Doc’s Place in Lebanon.
Open Floor
Josh Umbaugh expresses concern that Senate candidate Don Kissick’s website and Ballotpedia contain little candidacy information.
The motion to adjourn by Michael Lopez, seconded by Ben Schultheis, was passed by unanimous voice vote without debate, and the Committee adjourned at 6:45.
Next Business Meeting: Nov 16, 2024, Brix
Next Social Meeting: Nov 3, 2024, Bennett’s
Action Item Summary:
The Communications Committee will draft language advising a vote against Ballot Issues 34 & 35. Deadline: Oct 19. Lead: Michael Lopez
The Communications Committee will advertise Chase signs on social media. Deadline: Oct 19. Lead: Michael Lopez
August 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: Aug 15, 2024
Time: 6 pm
Location: Brixx Ice Co, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH
Called to Order 18:10
Roll Call:
Present: Josh Umbaugh, Chair; Michael Lopez, Secretary; Ben Schultheis, At Large (participating remotely;) Erin Umbaugh, Member
Absent: Joe Hendrix, Treasurer; Cecelia Umbagh, At Large
The agenda was approved with the Chair’s correction of a misspelling.
The chair reported on the upcoming Chase Oliver event.
The secretary gave the treasurer’s report in absentia. The balance is around $600-$800, depending on whether Hamilton Co LP has cashed its check. A semi-annual financial report has been filed with the BOE.
Secretary’s report. July 6, 2024, meeting minutes approved, along with the ratification of online votes:
Aug 3rd, online vote authorizing $130 for Chase event. Moved by Michael Lopez, seconded by Ben Shultheis. Aye – Michael Lopez, Josh Umbaugh, Cecelia Umbaugh, Ben Shultheis. Not voting – Joe Hendrix.
Aug 3rd, online vote authorizing $200 for Chase signs. Moved by Michael Lopez, seconded by Ben Shultheis. Aye – Josh Umbaugh, Michael Lopez, Ben Shultheis. Not voting – Joe Hendrix, Cecelia Umbaugh.
The Communications Committee reported on LPO’s progress with the new CRM, which is expected to be in service around the end of August. The Communications Committee also reports no recent response from Proud Libertarian about the online store.
Activities Committee report is that there is no Activities Committee.
Announcement of the Chase picnic event Sun, Aug 25, 12 pm, at the Rotary Pavilion in Mound Park, Miamisburg. Montgomery Co LP provides decorations and utensils; Hamilton Co LP provides food. Volunteers are asked to show up at about 11 am to help set up.
The meeting adjourned around 18:40.
Next Business Meeting: September 19, 2024, Brix
Next Social Meeting: September 1, 2024, Bennett’s
July 2024 Regular Convention and Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: 2024-07-06
Location: Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
- Josh Umbaugh, Chair
- Joe Hendrix, Secretary
- Mike Lopez, at large
- Dan Zink, at large
- Bruce Earnhart
- Cecilia Umbaugh
Not Present:
- Ben Schultheis, treasurer
- Began at 6pm with LPO Central Committee (CentCom) elections
- Called to order by Josh at 6:13pm
- Credentialing
- All present are eligible
- Agenda approved unanimously
- Nominations
- Officer
- Josh Umbaugh for chair
- incumbent
- Joe Hendrix for treasurer
- Mike Lopexs for secretary
- At large
- Ben Schultheis
- even though he was absent
- he had previously accepted the nomination via Telgram chat
- Dan Zink
- Cecilia Umbaugh
- Elections
- Officers
- Josh Umbaugh as chair
- Joe Hendrix as treasurer
- Mike Lopexs as secretary
- At large
- Ben Schultheis
- Cecilia Umbaugh
- Proposals
- Proposal 1, Amendment to the Constitution
- Passes
- Proposal 2, Amendment to the Constitution
- Passes
- Proposal 3, Amendment to the Bylaws
- Motion was made to change the proposal to change the word “participation” to “attendance”
- Motion passed
- Passes as amended
Proposal 1
Amend Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution to require that emergency online votes must be ratified.
Emergency online votes must be ratified at the next public meeting.
Add a bylaw governing emergency online votes.
Bylaw 3. The Executive Committee may, by majority, accept and vote electronically on emergency motions made between meetings. This vote must be held in an electronic forum accessible to and commonly used by every member of the Executive Committee.
Proposal 2
Amend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution to impose a seasoning requirement on officers of the Executive Committee.
C. Candidates for Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer positions must have attended at least 5 of the most recent 10 meetings for which minutes have been published to qualify for nomination.
Proposal 3
Add a bylaw to allow for remote participation in public meetings of the Executive Committee.
Bylaw 4. Upon request by any member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee must allow remote participation and voting by a common and practical method agreed upon by both the requesting member and a majority of the Executive Committee meeting in person. In the event of a disagreement on the method, the default method shall be a publicly accessible voice chat in the Libertarian Party of Ohio Discord server.
July 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Executive meeting immediately follows the convention
Proud Libertarian has received our signed contract. Find out the next steps to creating a store, and check the correct format for images.
Gauge interest in Chase yard signs. Three-pronged approach: Individual interest for crowdfunding; LPO / other affiliate interest; email list for interest on selected addresses
August social will move back to Bennett’s at the usual time, 6 pm on Aug 4.
June 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: 2024-06-20
Location: Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
- Josh Umbaugh, Chair
- Joe Hendrix, Secretary
- Mike Lopez, at large
- Bruce Earnhart
- Erin Umbaugh
- Cecilia Umbaugh
Not Present:
- Ben Schultheis, treasurer
- Dan Zink, at large
Executive Meeting
- We have quorum
- Quorum is majority, there are 3/5 officers present
- County Convention is on Saturday, July 6th, 2024 at 6pm.
- Ohio Central Committee “CentCom” for Congressional District 10 (our district) will happen then, too
- Lucas County released a statement condemning any bigotry against our Presidential ticket
- Vote was 2-1 to sign on to the statement; vote passes
- Motion to agree to the Proud Libertarians Agreement to sell swag/shirts
- Motion passes 3-0.
- Joe to mail.
- Josh went to Kettering Pride.
- Dayton Pride comments:
- We gave out about 40 bottles of water
- We happened to be next to a water station
- Mike confirmed he did get and cash his reimbursement check.
- Delegate report for the 2024 National Convention in DC:
- Mitch Johnson and Carl Farnum did not show.
- Josh, Joe, Bruce, and Mike went.
- Mike moved to ratify the online motion to have the County Convention on Saturday, July 6th, 2024
- The motion passed 3-0.
- There is no social in July.
- There is no executive meeting on the 3rd Thursday in July, instead, it will be held immediately following the July 6th convention.
Next social meeting will be on Saturday, August 4, 2024, time and place TDB.
Next executive meeting will be immediately following the County Convention and CentCom elections at 6pm, Thursday, June 20, 2024 at Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402.
May 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: 2024-05-16
Location: Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
- Joe Hendrix, Secretary
- Mike Lopez, at large
- Bruce Earnhart
Not Present:
- Josh Umbaugh, Chair
- Ben Schultheis, treasurer
- Dan Zink, at large
Executive Meeting
- We do NOT have quorum
- Quorum is majority, there are 2/5 officers present
- Mike bought a Political Quiz poster and business rip cards for Pride
- He wants to be reimbursed.
- He pent $150.13 and posted the receipts in the Telegram chat.
- Joe to ask Josh in the chat for a second approval to reimburse Mike
- Joe is the first approval; Mike cannot approve himself
- Carpool to the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC
- Joe, Mike, and Bruce are carpooling
- Leave Thursday, May 23 and come back Monday, May 27.
- Joe to pick up Bruce at his home at 6:00am and Mike soon after
- Joe to call Bruce 20 minutes before he arrives at Bruce’s
- Joe to text Mike as well
- Joe bought for Pride
- a $100 Kroger gift card for the raffle
- 103 bottles of water to pass out
- Joe does not need reimbursed
Next social meeting will be at 11am – 4pm, Saturday, June 1 during Pride.
Next executive meeting will be at 6pm, Thursday, June 20, 2024 at Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402.
April 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: 2024-04-18
Location: Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
- Josh Umbaugh, Chair
- Joe Hendrix, Secretary
- Mike Lopez, at large
- Bruce Earnhart
Not Present:
- Ben Schultheis, treasurer
- Dan Zink, at large
Executive Meeting
- We have quorum
- Quorum is majority, there are 3/5 officers present
- Mike wants to run for LPO Central Committee for district 10
- LPO was supposed to have Central Committee elections sometime after the Ohio March 2024 primaries
- LPO has yet to have this election
- WPCU sent letter stating that the debit card will be deactivated if it isn’t used soon
- Pride
- still needs to be paid
- Joe to pay immediately after this meeting (and he did before he left)
- Pride hours on June 1: 11am – 4pm
- we need to get:
- rainbow wrist bands
- 3.5″ x 11″ rip business and rack cards
- we want to have a drawing
- potentially for a $100 gift card
- enter by giving us their contact info
- op eds and press releases
- write one regarding the recent issue with Dayon burritos
- 3rd quarter event
- park cleanup & cookout?
- regional meetup?
- Labor Day weekend
- Warren County, Hamilton County, and us (Montgomery County)
- do we have a list of media contacts?
- radio, TV, newspaper
Immediately after the meeting, Joe paid for the Pride Booth. Cost was $250. He then submitted the form to request reimbursement.
Next social meeting will be at 6pm, Sunday, May 5 at D20: A Bar With Characters, 2144 E Whipp Rd, Dayton, OH 45440.
Next executive meeting will be at 6pm, Thursday, May 16, 2024 at Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402.
March 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: 2024-03-21
Location: Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
- Josh Umbaugh, Chair
- Joe Hendrix, Secretary
- Mike Lopez, at large
- Bruce Earnhart
- Cecilia Umbaugh
Not Present:
- Ben Schultheis, treasurer
- Dan Zink, at large
Executive Meeting
- We have quorum
- Quorum is majority, there are 3/5 officers present
- Discussion about transportation to the Libertarian National Convention
- Joe volunteered taking his vehicle
- Joe also had signed to be an Ohio delegate
- Mike brought two written motions:
- Motion to Pay for Booth at Dayton Pride Festival 2024
- Mike made first motion, John made second motion
- Motion passed with no objection
- Motion to Form a Delegate Committee
- Mike made first motion, Joe made section motion
- Motion passed with no objection
- Motion to Pay for Booth at Dayton Pride Festival 2024
- Joe to make gray scale/black/white versions of the logo
Next social meeting will be at 6pm, Sunday, April 7 at D20: A Bar With Characters, 2144 E Whipp Rd, Dayton, OH 45440.
Next executive meeting will be at 6pm, Thursday, April 18, 2024 at Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402.
Attachments (Motions)
Motion to Pay for Booth at Dayton Pride Festival 2024
Whereas, the Dayton Pride Festival provides an opportunity for the party to engage with the community and promote its values of individual liberty and equality, and
Whereas, securing a booth at the Dayton Pride Festival would enable the party to reach a diverse audience and advocate for its principles,
Be it resolved that the Treasurer of the Libertarian Party of Montgomery County or designated proxy is hereby authorized to spend $250.00 to purchase a Purple Level Ally Sponsorship for the 2024 Dayton Pride Festival, which includes a booth space.
Be it further resolved that the Treasurer or designated proxy is instructed to coordinate with festival organizers to ensure proper registration and representation of the part at the event.
Motion to Form a Delegate Committee
Whereas, according to Article 1-5(a) of the bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Montgomery County, Special Committees may be formed as provided, and
Whereas, the Delegate Committee is mandated to be formed no later than sixty (60) days prior to the State Convention of the Libertarian Party of Ohio, or the National Convention of the Libertarian Party of the United States, whichever is earlier, and dissolve after presenting its report at the regular business meeting following the later of the two Conventions, and
Whereas, the Delegate Committee shall consist of all members of the Libertarian Party of Montgomery County registered as delegates to the State and/or National Conventions.
Be it resolved that the Libertarian Party of Montgomery County Executive Committee hereby forms the Delegate Committee in accordance with Article 1-5(a) of the bylaws.
Be it further resolved that the following individuals shall serve as members of the Delegate Committee:
- Josh Umbaugh
- Joe Hendrix
- Michael Lopez
- Bruce Earnhart
- Mitchell Johnson
- Carl Farnum
Be it further resolved that the Delegate Committee shall fulfill its duties as outlined in Article 1-5(a)(i) of the bylaws.
February 2023 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: 2024-02-15
Location: Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
- Josh Umbaugh, Chair
- Joe Hendrix, Secretary
- Mike Lopez, at large
- Bruce Earnhart
Not Present:
- Ben Schultheis, treasurer
- Dan Zink, at large
Executive Meeting
- We have quorum
- Quorum is majority, there are 3/5 officers present
- Ben is going to call the Montgomery County Board of Elections (BOE)
- Mike has a list of National members who live in Montgomery County
- Mike was contacted from ProudLibertarians.com
- How did we pay for Montgomery County Pride last year (e.g. – cash, debit card?)
- Montgomery County Fair is from July 7th – 13th
- What other city festivals could we set up at?
- World’s Smallest Political Quiz
- Josh to contact Evan McMahon, the Indiana LP State Chair
Next social meeting will be at 6pm, Sunday, March 3 at D20: A Bar With Characters, 2144 E Whipp Rd, Dayton, OH 45440.
Next executive meeting will be at 6pm, Thursday, March 21, 2024 at Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402.
January 2024 Executive Meeting Minutes
Date: 2024-01-18
Location: Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
- Josh Umbaugh, Chair
- Joe Hendrix, Secretary
- Mike Lopez, at large
- Erin Umbaugh
- CJ Umbaugh
- Bruce Earnhart
- J Anthony
Not Present:
- Ben Schultheis, treasurer
- Dan Zink, at large
Executive Meeting
- We have quorum
- Quorum is majority, there are 3/5 officers present
- J Anthony states he’s thinking of running for Dayton mayor in 2025
- Josh comments:
- want to get media contacts
- wants us to think about quarterly events, especially this quarter
- wonders if we should speak out against partisan local elections
- what is measurable between localities that have partisan elections vs those that don’t
- voter participation?
- number of candidates?
- what is measurable between localities that have partisan elections vs those that don’t
- We need to look into if we need to report to the Board of Elections (just county?)
- Fundraising ideas:
- 50/50 raffle
- sell things
- silent auction
- What places could we meet in northern Montgomery County, such as Huber Heights and Vandalia?
- Community outreach ideas:
- letters to (political) prisoners, such as Ross Ulbritch
Next social meeting will be at 6pm, Sunday, February 4 at D20: A Bar With Characters, 2144 E Whipp Rd, Dayton, OH 45440.
Next executive meeting will be at 6pm, Thursday, February 15, 2024 at Brixx Ice Company, 500 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402.