On the Mercantilist and Monarchial Origins of the Concept of the ‘Balance of Trade’

As Adam Smith explained so brilliantly, if the goal of economic policy is – as it should be – the achievement of prosperity as great as possible for ordinary people, mercantilism fails. It impoverishes ordinary people rather than enriches them.

Study: Banning Investors From Buying Homes Leads to Higher Rents, More Gentrification

Home prices were unaffected by a ban on buy-to-rent housing in the Netherlands, but more affordable rental housing disappeared.

Policy makers would do better to look for ways to expand housing supply through deregulation of construction and mortgage finance than passing laws restricting who’s allowed to buy a house.


Court Orders Phoenix to Clean Up Homeless Encampments in “The Zone”

Residents and business owners use public nuisance laws to force action

In other words, the city government has effectively thrown up its hands; largely ignored the plight of those experiencing homelessness, residents, workers, and business owners in The Zone; and focused instead on growing the bureaucracy, feeding the homeless-industrial complex, and eschewing short-term action for expensive, ineffective, long-term approaches

Massachusetts’ Tobacco Ban Went as Badly as You’d Expect

And now the state thinks it needs to crack down even more.

States that wish to avoid making the same mistake should view Massachusetts as a warning, not a role model.


Americans Worried about Housing Costs, Open to YIMBY

Policymakers across the country should marshal current public support for building more homes and make zoning reform a policy priority. Doing so would unlock opportunity for a wide variety of people.


How a Public Housing Project Became an Unplanned Neighborhood

favela in southern Brazil shows the upside of an “invasive” urban form—and offers lessons for U.S. housing policy.

Monte Cristo shows how this can flower into something more open and affordable: by avoiding excessive rules in the first place.
