On the Mercantilist and Monarchial Origins of the Concept of the ‘Balance of Trade’

As Adam Smith explained so brilliantly, if the goal of economic policy is – as it should be – the achievement of prosperity as great as possible for ordinary people, mercantilism fails. It impoverishes ordinary people rather than enriches them.

Norway’s Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention?

Norwegian lawmakers forgot this simple lesson, and now they can do little but watch as the wealth creators in their country depart, taking with them their capital, ingenuity, and taxable income.

Study: Banning Investors From Buying Homes Leads to Higher Rents, More Gentrification

Home prices were unaffected by a ban on buy-to-rent housing in the Netherlands, but more affordable rental housing disappeared.

Policy makers would do better to look for ways to expand housing supply through deregulation of construction and mortgage finance than passing laws restricting who’s allowed to buy a house.


In San Francisco, Government Failure Erases Billions of Dollars of Commercial Real Estate Valuations

San Francisco and neighboring counties were the first to impose sweeping stay‐​at‐​home orders at the beginning of the COVID pandemic in the US. More importantly, San Francisco and its neighbors were slower than most other population centers to relax COVID-19 restrictions.
