Anarchy in Central Park

New York politicians got out of the way for once, and something beautiful happened.

Politicians usually want to control more things. My town has been the worst example of that. Progressive politicians add so many rules they make it nearly impossible to do anything new.

If We Live by Lies, We Will Demand Deceitful Politicians 

If we have turned our backs on reality, no one and no event is coming to save us. We can temporarily renounce our freedom by our own lies, but as Solzhenitsyn warned, “if we shrink away” from renouncing our “daily participation in deceit,” we should “cease complaining that someone does not let us draw breath—we do it to ourselves!” 

Why Did Scientists Suppress the Lab Leak Theory?

A widely cited paper dismissing the COVID lab leak theory “expressed conclusions that were not based on sound science or in fact,” wrote the authors of a recent House of Representatives committee report entitled “The Proximal Origin of a Cover-Up.”

“The question is why,” ask the authors.

Learning Losses During the Pandemic: Reviewing the Evidence

The losses in lifetime earnings are of course only part of the issue: “Empirical evidence has linked school closures to several factors, including rising mental health concerns, lower levels of engagement, reports of violence against children, rising obesity, increases in teenage pregnancy, rising levels of chronic absenteeism and dropouts, and overall deficits in the development of socioemotional skills due to social isolation from networks and peers.”

These effects tend to be larger for student who are from economically disadvantaged families, and those who are already falling behind academically. Schools tend to be a “great equalizer,” making up to some extent for the unequal distribution of other educational resources across families. Those children who depended most on public schools also lost the most when the schools shut down.