Our question is, how does requiring a permit help the unhoused community members in Dayton?

It doesn’t. It’s simply just a fee handed to the government in hopes that they grant you “permission” to help your community members.

‘It’s just food’: Activists want Dayton to repeal ordinance requiring permit to distribute food downtown

A week earlier, Dayton police arrested a 25-year-old man at Courthouse Square after city officials said he continued to hand out food after he and others were warned by officers to stop because it violated city code.

Officers said they responded after receiving an anonymous complaint about the food distribution activities, according to body camera footage obtained by this newspaper. An officer in the body camera video says, “It’s all about just getting a permit, man — that’s all it is.”



Government Data Refute the Notion That Overprescribing Caused the ‘Opioid Crisis’

Yet millions of pain patients have been force-tapered to ineffective dose levels, and thousands of them are dying of medical collapse or suicide, while the DEA continues to persecute their doctors for trying to help them. It is time to evict the DEA from doctors’ examination rooms.


J.D. Vance Thinks U.S. Steel’s Shareholders Weren’t Adequately Warned of J.D. Vance’s Efforts To Block Sale

Where are the limits of federal power? Vance is positing a situation in which the government must grant implicit or explicit approval of every merger and acquisition involving an American company.


Dayton man arrested after giving food to homeless without a permit; Some say city law ‘criminalizes’ charity

It is against the law to prepare or distribute food, clothing or toiletries in a public place within the central area of the city without a city permit.



Journal of Free Speech Law: My “When Are Lies Constitutionally Protected?”

Government determination of which assertions are false and should therefore be punished is always perilous. When institutions—scholars, the government as speaker, the media, perhaps opposing election campaigns—are available to deal with such matters, there is a way to avoid the peril while still rebutting the lies. It’s imperfect, but it’s better than the alternative of government coercion; in such a situation, “the fitting remedy for” lies, as well as for “evil counsels,” is rebuttal.


Government Project: The Eternal Folly of Central Planning

Americans do not readily embrace government-imposed collectivization. “Community,” in the Tocquevillian sense — voluntary associations which comprise the fabric of civil society — cannot be manufactured or externally imposed; civic cooperation must be organic.

Tipping Point: CBO Director’s Warning on America’s Fiscal Path

The CBO projects [interest] payments to the U.S. government’s creditors will rise to $1 trillion in 2026. The U.S. government’s gross interest payments to its creditors started exceeding that level in 2023. If not for a Supreme Court ruling rejecting student loan forgiveness last year, the U.S. government’s net interest costs would soon be nearing that $1 trillion level.

China’s Economic Facade is Cracking

[China] is reaping the whirlwind of conscious decisions on Beijing’s part over the past 15 years to embrace more state-centric economic policies. …Problems, however, are to be expected when the government plays a heavy-handed role in directing investment — a process which steadily accelerated in China after Xi Jinping came to power in 2012.