WHEREAS, like most libertarians, our selected Presidential candidate joined the Libertarian Party after being a member of another party where they felt out of place; and

WHEREAS, the candidates on our Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket were properly elected at our national convention by qualified delegates sent on behalf of each affiliate; and

WHEREAS, The Libertarian Party has supported and fought for equal rights regardless of age, race, color, sex, nation of ancestry, sexual orientation, etc, since its founding in 1971; and

WHEREAS, Article 5.4 of the Libertarian Party National Bylaws states “No affiliate party shall endorse any candidate who is a member of another party for public office in any partisan election. No affiliate party shall take any action inconsistent with the Statement of Principles or these bylaws”, and

WHEREAS, Article 14.4 of the Libertarian Party National Bylaws states “The National Committee shall respect the vote of the delegates at nominating conventions and provide full support for the Party’s nominee for President and nominee for Vice-President as long as their campaigns are conducted in accordance with the platform of the Party”,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lucas County and Montgomery County Libertarian Parties of Ohio, condemn any national party leaders, state and local affiliates, and other party aligned organizations or groups, who openly refuse to endorse and support our ticket, use old and/or false information to discourage others from supporting our ticket, hint at breaking from the national party and choosing a different ticket, hint at disregarding the will of the delegates and choosing a different national ticket, and especially anyone who goes so far as to foster and grow an atmosphere of hatred towards one or both candidates on our ticket, a lot of which is thinly veiled bigotry; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that we call upon all national party leaders, state and local affiliates, other party aligned organizations or groups, and party members, to unify behind our ticket and the messages of liberty that this campaign will be working hard to spread. 

We condemn hatred and bigotry as irrational and repugnant.

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