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Category: Free Markets
A Birthday Appreciation for Trade Economist Henry George — He Wrote Milton Friedman’s Favorite Book on International Trade
Happy Birthday to Henry George — his brilliant and timeless insights about international trade, protectionism, and trade retaliation are just as fresh and relevant today as in the late 1800s, maybe even more so today than ever before given the resurgence during Trump’s presidency of the popularity of the discredited trade “theories” of protectionism, mercantilism, and scarcityism.
The Scourge of Rent Control
Defenders of the poor and virtuous promoters of income redistribution are often only proponents of “solutions” that increase government power.
Blind Faith Baloney
“…economic freedom is key to promoting all the major aspects of life we want like growth, better education, a lift out of poverty, a decline in crime, and more.