‘Transparency’ Mandate Would Burden Small Brewers and Distilleries

It’s hard to oppose “transparency,” “common sense,” and “informed choices.” But labeling mandates always fall heaviest on the smallest of businesses. 

It is very easy for seemingly “commonsense” transparency reform to give way to more alarmist and intense health warnings on booze and, eventually, more draconian restrictions on alcohol sales and higher booze taxes.


Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Chase Oliver in the upcoming election. As a candidate, Chase embodies the principles of integrity, transparency, and genuine care for our country. His fresh perspective and innovative ideas are exactly what we need to bring positive change to our local government.

Chase’s commitment to individual liberties, fiscal responsibility, and fostering a vibrant economy is commendable. He has consistently shown that he listens to the concerns of everyday citizens, and his approach to problem-solving is both practical and forward-thinking. Unlike many career politicians, Chase is driven by a passion for serving the people rather than by personal gain or political expediency.

In a time when trust in our political system is waning, Chase Oliver stands out as a beacon of hope. His dedication to creating a more inclusive and responsive government resonates with me, and I believe he is the best candidate to represent our interests.

I urge my fellow citizens to support Chase Oliver. There is an opportunity to meet him on Sunday, August 25th, at noon at the Rotary Shelter in Mound Park in Miamisburg. I will be there and encourage you to join me. Let’s come together to elect a leader who will prioritize our country’s well-being and work tirelessly to ensure a brighter future for all.

Michelle MacCutcheon
Lebanon, Ohio

Reprinted with permission

Make Going to The Doctor More Like Going to the Vet

No muss. No fuss. No complicated paperwork. No uncertainty. Taking the dog to the vet was more like taking the car to the shop than a doctor’s visit. We went in, they told us what our options would cost, and we chose. 

Why the 2024 Election Misses the Mark on America’s Most Critical Issue

The two dominant parties are off in la-la land, unaware of the colossal growth of the welfare state, the regulatory state, and the warfare state. They generally mistake the symptoms for the causes and sometimes confuse the problems with the solutions. 

Cuban Food Shortages: Another Red Flag

Aside from raising our moral hackles, price controls have demonstrable effects on wellbeing: price controls increase poverty and hunger. Contrary to the utopian dreams of policymakers, price controls distort market activity in perverse ways. They are meant to lower prices on goods and make it easier for people to acquire them; and they might help some people and score political points — both are temporary — but they cause shortages instead.

Slavery Was a Global Phenomenon

American slavery was horrible—and far from unique.

Pointing out how abusive white people were is not going to get black Americans any more capital. Most problems in the modern black community don’t have anything to do with historical ethnic conflict 160 years ago… Racism didn’t increase between 1960 and the modern era. You’re looking at the impacts of the Great Society, the welfare programs.


Ohio Libertarian Party regains state recognition, fields candidates in key 2024 races

Nanna said Ohio voters who aren’t satisfied with the candidates put forward by the Republican and Democratic parties should take a look at his party’s candidates.

“It’s important voters should have more choices at the end of the day, regardless of whether or not you’re a Libertarian or you agree with Libertarian views,” Nanna added. “I think it’s important that we put our best foot forward and run as many candidates as possible.”



French Exports to Avoid: Wealth Taxes

There is a reason that most countries don’t tax total assets — and it’s not generosity. Rather, it is because such taxes are unproductive. As might be expected, wealth taxes lead to capital flight and brain drain; they cause a drop in savings and investment, as well as entrepreneurship. They have high administrative costs (involved in finding and valuing assets). In the end, wealth taxes tend to yield low revenue, while dragging down economic growth. But they do make for good politics, especially in election years; envy commands votes.

The New York Times Thinks ‘Brutal Capitalism,’ Not Socialism, Ruined Venezuela

Fact check: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is the leader of the Socialist Party.

Under their idealized system, socialists claim, the government’s centralized redistribution of resources will be fair, equal, and democratic. Yet it certainly says something about such a system that it collapses into outright tyranny every time it is attempted. Socialist governance seems to require concentrating an extraordinary amount of power in elite government decision makers; this tends to produce a new ruling class, the widespread deprivation of political rights for everyone else, and crippling poverty.


Milton Friedman: ‘Crack Would Never Have Existed If You Had Not Had Drug Prohibition’

The prohibition of drugs produces on the average 10,000 additional homicides a year. It’s a moral problem that the government is going around killing 10,000 people. It’s a moral problem that the government is making into criminals people who may be doing something you and I don’t approve of but who are doing something that hurts nobody else.
